Reading Difficulties
Reading: Word Recognition
Word recognition deficit is sometimes referred to as dyslexia. It is characterized by difficulty with reading despite instruction and without coexisting intellectual, sensory, or neurological difficulties. A person with word recognition deficits typically has relatively intact language comprehension but may have difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and poor spelling.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Alphabet/letter knowledge
Phonological awareness (rhyming, segmenting and blending, awareness of sounds and syllables in words)
Morphological awareness (inflections, derivations, and compounds)
Sound–symbol correspondence
Sight word knowledge
Reading decoding
Reading fluency
Reading: Comprehension
Reading comprehension deficit is sometimes referred to as specific comprehension deficit or hyperlexia. Hyperlexia can be differentiated from precocious reading, in that individuals with hyperlexia have significant problems in listening and reading comprehension. A person with reading comprehension deficits may have difficulties with adequate or advanced word recognition skills, reading fluency and social, cognitive, or linguistic skills.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Print awareness
Knowledge of basic story structure and story components
Vocabulary knowledge, including multiple-meaning words, synonyms, and antonyms
Morphological awareness (inflections, derivations, and compounds)
Understanding meaning from context
Figurative language and ambiguities in text, including multiple-meaning words and ambiguous sentence structures
Paraphrasing and summarizing
Making inferences
Knowledge of different text structures and genres
Use of strategies to facilitate comprehension, including skimming, rereading, and taking notes
Using strategies to self-monitor comprehension
May need to address spoken language difficulties
Dysgraphia may refer to either difficulty with language or spelling-based aspects of written expression. Dysgraphia can occur alone or can co-occur with dyslexia and/or other learning disabilities. The cognitive–linguistic aspects of dysgraphia are involved in the writing process and the writing product.
Writing Process Deficit
Writing process deficits are problems with the cognitive–linguistic aspects of writing and may be described under the umbrella term dysgraphia. Dysgraphia, as it relates to the writing process, involves difficulty planning, drafting, reflecting on writing, revising, editing own writing, and with discourse planning and organization.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Using pictures to tell stories
Writing for different purposes, including writing to entertain, persuade, and inform
Writing for different audiences
Planning, including brainstorming, use of story maps, and webbing
Drafting, including referring to story maps, making webs, and writing planning notes
Using digital technologies (e.g., Internet) to gather information for writing
Revising and editing content
Writing Product Deficits
Writing product deficits are sometimes described under the umbrella term dysgraphia. Dysgraphia, as it relates to the writing product, involves difficulty organizing and adequately expressing thoughts in writing, difficulty constructing grammatically correct sentences of varying types and difficulty using writing conventions (e.g., capitalization and punctuation), limited written fluency, syntactic formulation problems (complexity and correctness impacted), word choice limitations (in variety and appropriateness), and numerous words spelled incorrectly.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Pretend writing
Writing letters of the alphabet
Printing first and last name
Labeling pictures
Producing text via handwriting and/or keyboarding
Copying text
Writing from dictation
Writing a variety of grammatically correct sentence types
Judging correctness of grammar and morphology and correcting errors
Writing cohesively, including providing detail, linking ideas, and elaborating
Using conventions of writing correctly, including capitalization and punctuation
Knowledge of different text structures and genres
Deficits in spelling are sometimes called dysorthography. Such deficits involve difficulty with encoding phonological information. Spelling difficulties can affect both reading and writing and are an area of weakness for most individuals with dyslexia. Spelling deficits include difficulty representing the phonological structure of regularly spelled words, difficulty remembering and reproducing the patterns of irregularly spelled words, lack of morphemic awareness in spelling, and difficulty spelling and inflecting words correctly in sentences.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Using letter–sound knowledge to spell words as they sound
Understanding the phonological, morphological, and orthographic aspects of regular and irregular spellings
Correcting spelling errors
Spoken and Written Language
Deficits in spoken and written language can affect reading, writing, and spelling. Such deficits may be referred to as oral and written language learning disability. These deficits involve marked difficulty with oral language and involve problems of similar severity that cross multiple systems. Deficits in spoken and writing language may result in difficulty with pronouncing complex words, reading fluency, word recognition/decoding, spelling, and language comprehension.
Focus of Assessment/Treatment
Treatment should address areas of difficulty in reading, writing, and spelling as indicated. Treatment should match the degree to which sound/word structure knowledge and sentence/discourse level knowledge are impaired across spoken and written modalities—listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
**All information on this page has been retrieved directly from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) website.